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Choose a gift for your charitable contribution to the fund of the “OKO” International Ethnographic Film Festival. All the gifts are of high quality and smooth to the touch. Besides, the whole soul of the project, the endless love and creativity of our team members, and the high professionalism of our designer Lili Topor are invested in the creation of our merch. The contribution is conditional, we’ve specified the minimum, but you’re not limited to the maximum. May all good return to you a hundredfold!
All the money raised will be spent on the needs of the “OKO” festival. We guarantee transparency and publicity of using the funds.

Please, click the “DONATE” button and fill out the Google form below, and we'll send your gifts by Ukrainian “New post” shortly.


Black mask, fabric - cotton.
Price: from 100 UAH.

When we can't change the circumstances, we have to change our attitude to them. Quarantine restrictions are still actual. We all had our mouths closed, but our eyes are still open. So don’t stop “telling” the words of support in this difficult time in different ways. Let’s raise the other people’s spirits when they read such important words as “Everything will be OKo!” on your face and see their positive reaction even under the masks.
The wrinkles around the eyes and a spark in them will show a smile. And the eyes do not lie. Choose a mask and be the coolest speaker/motivator in the world.



Stickers 1 set
Price: from 50 UAH.

Let the funny colorful stickers at your computer, diary, favorite book, etc. remind you of the warm full of wonderful films September in Krynychne during the whole year and “invite” you to the “OKO” festival next year.


White T-shirt

Price: sizes XS, S, M - from 500 UAH.
Price: sizes L, XL, XXL - from 550 UAH.

Traditional rugs of the peoples of the world became the visual of our second edition of “OKO”. And not for nothing, but because they emphasize this year's slogan “Let's unite, let's not unify”. All the threads - different in color and sometimes in texture - do not dissolve in each other, but, woven together, create a beautiful pattern and smooth carpet. Fewer words - everything is clear! Thread after thread a rug is woven, frame by frame a film is built, man after man the unity is created.


Black T-shirt

Price: sizes XS, S, M - from 550 UAH.
Price: sizes L, XL, XXL - from 600 UAH.

Traditional rugs of the peoples of the world became the visual of our second edition of “OKO”. And not for nothing, but because they emphasize this year's slogan “Let's unite, let's not unify”. All the threads - different in color and sometimes in texture - do not dissolve in each other, but, woven together, create a beautiful pattern and smooth carpet. Fewer words - everything is clear! Thread after thread a rug is woven, frame by frame a film is built, man after man the unity is created.

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White bag

White bag, dimensions - 50/38/12
Price: from 300 UAH.

Everything is simple! It couldn't be any easier! The bag should be comfortable, large, of good quality, and should not harm the ecosystem of our Mother Earth. We are not just "OKO", we are ECO.

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Black bag

Black bag, dimensions - 35/41
Price: from 350 UAH.

Everything is simple! It couldn't be any easier! The bag should be comfortable, large, of good quality, and should not harm the ecosystem of our Mother Earth. We are not just "OKO", we are ECO.

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White cup

White cup, wrapped with film band-rug
Price: from 160 UAH.

The films of our program will show you all the colors of the “alien” and “own” cultures. And the sacred ritual, which usually accompanies watching movies, according to tradition, is a favorite drink in a beautiful cup “OKO”. It just helps to feel with the whole body that we are all different and alike at the same time. The commandment of our prophet Taras Shevchenko “… Learn from others, and do not shy away from your own…” should always remind and motivate us to learn through our films.

Accounts for contributions to the non-profit public organization "OKO":

(IBAN Code)
(Name of the bank)
(Bank SWIFT Code)
(Company address)
UA 68742 Одеська Болградський сел Криничне вул Мiчурiна б.198  
Correspondent banks
(Account in the correspondent bank)
(SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank)
(Correspondent bank)
JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York ,USAабо
(Account in the correspondent bank)
(SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank)
(Correspondent bank)
The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA

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