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Online screenings

The Place of Power

Director: Tetiana Stanieva

Country: Ukraine

Living in a foreign land, in a metropolis, far from her childhood home, the native of a unique Bulgarian village on the south of Ukraine comes home to her people, where lie her roots and her power, where the voice of ancestors, drowned out by globalisation and urbanisation, calls for her through the veterans’ memories.

Humans of Christiania

Director: Elena Rubashevska

Country: Ukraine / Україна

Getting a unique opportunity to become citizens of Christiania for a one month, we've tried to explore the Freetown behind the bright facades, loud music, and crowds of tourists. Who are those people who create a foundation of commune's prosperity? What are their routines? And except but Pusher Street, what Christiania can be famous for?

Krasna Malanka

Director: Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk

Country: Ukraine 

This is the story of the inhabitants of the Romanian village of Krasnaya, which is located on the territory of Ukraine. They are preparing for the Malanka holiday, a holiday that is a symbolic event for every red dweller. And for young Krasnyansky guys, this is generally a kind of initiation rite in life. Malanka is a carnival in which everyone participates and has a role to play in a bizarre pagan act.

Ваш Василь / Yours Vasyl


Country: Ukraine

Ukraïner. The Movie is a story about the everyday life of the most unknown country on the European continent. The film consists of six stories woven into a single canvas. They reflect an ordinary day of Ukraine created by extraordinary Ukrainians. The characters in this film are not connected, their worlds are different. It is these differences that unite the country.

Аmerican Dream

Director: Vladimir Mula

Country: Ukraine

The film is based on the stories of people who once left their homes and went to meet a new and unknown life - from Ukraine to distant America to fulfill their dream there. How do they live , what can they tell there, but never admit to friends in Ukraine? Candid stories about life in the United States as it is.


Director: by Ivan Patraman

Country: Moldova. ATU Gagauzia

The film will show the incredible love story of two young people, through the prism of confrontation between the two families. This film tells about the lifestyles of the original and unique Gagauz people at the turn of 1920-1930. The script of the film is based on the story of the classic of Gagauz literature Nikolai Baboglu. An exciting story about Divine providence and sharp turns of fate.


Режисер: Іван Патраман
Країна: Молдова. АТО Гагаузія

У фільмі буде показана неймовірна історія кохання двох молодих людей, через призму протистояння двох сімейств. Цей фільм розповідає про устрої життя самобутнього та унікального гагаузького народу на рубежі 1920-1930 років. Сценарій фільму написаний за мотивами оповідання класика гагаузької літератури Миколи Бабоглу. Захоплюючий сюжет про Божественне провидіння і круті повороти долі.

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