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Once Upon a Time in Ukraine / The Inglorious Serfs / Безславні кріпаки, 2020, - Fiction
Director: Roman Perfilyev
Country: Ukraine
What if Taras Shevchenko put down his pen and took a samurai sword into his hands? Akayo samurai enters the territory of Ukraine, seeking revenge on the Japanese Harimoto–a buyer of slaves from a Ukrainian master. On his way, Akayo meets the serf Taras, who is also guided by personal revenge and wants to organize the release of his beloved.
Taras. Return / Тарас. Повернення, 2019, - Fiction
Director: Oleksandr Denysenko
Country: Ukraine, Kazakhstan
The story takes place during the last 3 months of Taras Shevchenko's exile in Kazakhstan, where he is forced to serve in the Russian Tsarist army. The poet receives a message from his friends in St. Petersburg that he has been pardoned by Tsar Alexander II, but the military leadership of the Novopetrovsk fort hesitates to issue a decree for his release. Moreover a secret agent from St. Petersburg arrives at the place and tries his best to make the poet stay there forever. Will Shevchenko manage to overcome all obstacles and remain a free man?

Botev: In the Shadow of the Monument / Ботев: в сянката на паметника, 2016, - Non-Fiction
Director: Zhezko Davidov
Country: Bulgaria
Реконструкція та криміналістичне дослідження останніх днів життя болгарського поета-революціонера. Автори стрічки шукають відповіді на питання: хто, як і чому вбив Христо Ботева? Чи загинув він від «випадкової» турецької кулі, чи покінчив життя самогубством в пориві відчаю та розчарування або ж пав жертвою самих же повстанців?
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