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of the V OKO International Ethnographic Film Festival (ukr: Міжнародний етнографічний кінофестиваль “ОКО”; bulg: Международен фестивал на етнографското кино “ОКО”) 2024 

These Regulations define the basic concept, rules and conditions of the V OKO International Ethnographic Film Festival (ukr: Міжнародний етнографічний кінофестиваль “ОКО”; bulg: Международен фестивал на етнографското кино “ОКО”) in 2024. The Film Festival is held on the basis of this document. Rules, conditions, etc., not regulated by these Regulations, may be fixed in other provisions (regulations, statutes, etc.) and/or considered from the generally accepted practice of conducting similar events, in particular international film festivals, taking into account the national legislation of the jurisdiction of the event organizers.

1. Blanket penal provision

1.1 OKO International Ethnographic Film Festival (ukr: Міжнародний етнографічний кінофестиваль “ОКО”; bulg: Международен фестивал на етнографското кино “ОКО”) is an annual international film festival (Film Festival and/or OKO). OKO has been a Ukrainian-Bulgarian festival since 2023. It conducts the main events on the territory of Ukraine and Bulgaria. As an alternative to the official title of the Film Festival, it is allowed to use "OKO International Ukrainian-Bulgarian Ethnographic Film Festival". Ethnography, folkloristics, anthropology, history, everyday life, problems and hopes, culture, national traditions and habits, notable events and personalities, etc. are the main focus of the Film Festival."OKO" is a symbiosis of honoring traditions, learning new things and searching for current forms and trends, both in the national cultures of Ukraine and Bulgaria, and in the cultures of the whole world.

1.2. The NGO "Union of creative personalities - OKO" is the founder and organizer of the Film Festival. In addition, the Film Festival may invite third parties (partners) to partnership, cooperation and holding the events.

1.3. The Film Festival will be held in mixed formats: offline and online. The decision to show audiovisual works (films) in online format on the territory of Ukraine and Bulgaria is agreed by the Organizer with the rights holders of the films, submitted to the Film Festival, separately.

1.4. With the consent and separate agreement with the rights holders of audiovisual works (films), in particular those included in the official selection and shown within the Film Festival, the Organizer can hold OKO-related activities and events using the official identity of the Film Festival. In this case, the screening will be considered an extra-festival public screening.

1.5.  Because of the military aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine, the Organizer has the right to change the place and dates of the Film Festival for the safety of the team, film viewers and participants, by announcing the new place and dates on the official OKO web resources, or to cancel the offline events.

1.6. The V OKO International Ethnographic Film Festival is scheduled to be held offline in Ukraine and Bulgaria:

- September 8-15, 2024 - Bolgrad (Ukraine);

- November 8-15, 2024 - Sofia (Bulgaria).

1.7. The V OKO International Ethnographic Film Festival will be held in online format with the support and use of the technical capabilities and resources of the Film Festival's partners - VOD and OTT services MEGOGO (Ukraine) and Neterra.TV (Bulgaria):

- September 8-15, 2024 - Ukraine;

- November 8-15, 2024 - Bulgaria.

1.8. The program of the Film Festival in 2024 includes the following sections:

- OKO GLOBAL – International Competition: feature and short films;

- "NASHE OKO" - Ukrainian - Bulgarian Competition: short films;

- OKO VISION including OKO RETROSPECTIVE (retrospective screenings), OKO FOCUS (thematic selections), OKO SPECIAL (out-of-competition screenings);

- Opening and Closing films;

- Special events.

1.9. All films, selected for the programs and sections, specified in 1.8., for showings at the Film Festival on the dates, specified in 1.6 - 1.7, receive the status of "Official Selection" and will be able to use this status, including the official identity and logo of the Film Festival, as well as refer to it in the promotional materials, etc.

2. General requirements for audiovisual works and specifics of the programs and sections of the Film Festival.


2.1. Audiovisual works of any type (fiction and non-fiction) and genres, created in any technique, and which correspond to the main focus and theme of the Film Festival, are accepted for participation in the competition programs.

2.2. The Film Festival and the Organizer do not consider audiovisual works, created with the participation of the representatives of the aggressor country (the russian federation), in particular by the residents of the aggressor country (or with the involvement of such people); people who support russian military aggression against Ukraine and oppose the territorial integrity of Ukraine, etc.; as well as works whose display violates the national legislation of Ukraine and Bulgaria. If such facts become known after the announcement of the official selection or during the events, the Film Festival may remove such tapes from the programs and deprive them of the status of official selection.

2.3. The number of the films in the competition and non-competition sections is determined by the Organizer based on the number of accepted applications for participation.

2.4. As a general rule, those wishing to participate in the Film Festival, submit audiovisual works by filling out the application form on the FilmFreeWay platform:

2.5. The Film Festival reserves the right to use alternative means of accepting applications, searching and inviting audiovisual works in order to participate in any programs and sections of the Film Festival.

2.6. General technical requirements for audiovisual works for participation in the competition and screening at the Film Festival.

2.6.1 Availability (or production in case of official selection for the Film Festival) of a copy with the technical parameters: codec (mostly) H.264, container – MP4, MPEG. Video extension - 1920 × 1080 (Full HD, 1080p), but not less than 720 × 576. Sound frequency from 24 kHz and higher. If there is no copy of the film online, the participant has to send it to the Organizer on a flash drive by mail or in another way.

2.6.2. Accurate, legible English-language subtitles (srt format) are required.

2.6.3. For the films whose authors or rights holders are the residents of Ukraine or if the producing country is Ukraine (co-production films are also taken into account), availability of Ukrainian-language subtitles (or production in case of official selection for the Film Festival) is mandatory.

2.6.4. For the films whose authors or rights holders are the residents of Bulgaria or if the producing country is Bulgaria (co-production films are also taken into account), availability of Bulgarian-language subtitles (or production in case of official selection for the Film Festival) is mandatory.

2.7. General requirements for the films in the OKO GLOBAL and "NASHE OKO" competition sections.

2.7.1. The first public showing and/or production of competing films must be no earlier than January 1, 2022. The Film Festival reserves the right to determine whether the film corresponds to the section, chosen by the applicant and, in such a case, to change the competition section/category, as well as to offer a screening in the out-of-competition section, if the film was not selected for the competition program. The Organizer determines the number of the films in the competition section independently, based on the number of the received applications. Also, the Organizer has the right not to select a film for either the competitive or non-competitive program for any reason.

2.7.2. Prior to screening at the Film Festival, the film may have any festival and/or theatrical distribution and public screenings, including being placed on VOD and OTT services and publicly available on the streaming platforms and video streaming websites. However, preference will be given to the applicant films for which the screening within the Film Festival will be the premiere in Ukraine and/or Bulgaria, and/or which have not had a theatrical or other form of distribution or public screenings, other than film festivals, or a limited number of public screenings. The Organizer and the program department of the Film Festival have the right to determine whether an audiovisual work corresponds to the selection criteria for the competition sections or not independently.

2.7.3. The Film Festival does not allow the films whose production is incomplete before the date of the event, parts of films, series episodes (unless a part of the series is a separate film and has distribution as a separate audiovisual work), audiovisual content intended for social networks to participate in the competition sections, music and video clips. The Organizer and program department of the Film Festival can make an exception to this rule in extraordinary cases.

2.7.4. The Organizer has the right to exclude the film from the Film Festival program in case of receiving evidence of violation of copyright/related rights of third parties by the person who submitted the film for participation in the Film Festival.

2.8. OKO GLOBAL – International Competition: Feature Films.

2.8.1. A feature-length film is defined as an original motion picture that has a running time of more than 41 minutes (including the credits). The films produced by any country in the world (including Ukraine and Bulgaria), are admitted to the film selection process, except for the cases listed in section 2 of these Regulations.

2.9. OKO GLOBAL – International Competition: Short Films.

2.9.1. A short film is defined as an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits. Short films produced by any country in the world are admitted to the film selection process, taking into account the cases listed in Section 2 of these Regulations. Ukrainian and Bulgarian shorts, as well as films created in co-production, can also participate in this competitive section.

2.9.2. If a Ukrainian or Bulgarian short film is included in the program of the OKO GLOBAL short film competition, it can not be presented simultaneously in the competition section of NASHE OKO. The authors and/or copyright holders, in case of selection for the competition, will be asked to choose one section. No more than 4 (four) Ukrainian and/or Bulgarian short films, including co-productions, may be selected for participation in the OKO GLOBAL short film competition section.

2.10. "NASHE OKO" –  Ukrainian-Bulgarian Competition: Short Films.

2.10.1. Ukrainian-Bulgarian short films that have a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits are accepted for this competitive section. Short films created by Ukrainian and Bulgarian production companies and/or directors who are citizens or residents of Ukraine or Bulgaria are admitted to the film selection process; films made in co-production, or films whose authors and rights holders officially indicate Ukraine or Bulgaria as the country of production.


2.11.1. OKO VISION is an out-of-competition screening part of the Film Festival program. It can include sections OKO RETROSPECTIVE (retrospective screenings), OKO FOCUS (films united by a thematic component) and OKO SPECIAL (out-of-competition screenings). The Organizer invites films to participate in the out-of-competition section on its own initiative, and can also offer such an option to films that were submitted to the competition sections, but for one reason or another did not pass the selection for the competition sections and programs. Applications for participation in the out-of-competition program may be also accepted through the FilmFreeWay festival platform or by alternative means.

2.12. The Opening film and the Closing film of the Film Festival

2.12.1 The Organizer and the program department determine the opening film and the closing film of the Film Festival independently. Feature films that are the part of the competition program can be also considered as contenders to become the opening film.

2.13. Individual special events, in particular the industrial section, which may include pitches, master classes, panel discussions, round tables, workshops, etc., are not subject to these Regulations and are determined by the Organizer as one chooses. The Film Festival and the Organizer announce all special events on their official websites and social networks.

2.14. As a general rule, by submitting a film to the Film Festival and agreeing to all the terms of the Regulations, the authorized person (author/rightholder) automatically consents to at least two general public screenings of the film within the Film Festival: one in Ukraine and one in Bulgaria. In some cases, the parties decide on the number of additional screenings.

2.15. The Film Festival has the right to use short fragments of selected films (no longer than three minutes) for promotional purposes.

2.16. The Film Festival shows films to the audience without receiving a monetary reward. In some cases, the owner of the cinema (or other) venue, where the public festival screening will take place, may receive a screening fee (service fee).

2.17. The Organizer has the right to organize charity meetings for any needs, without the goal of making a profit during all film festival events.

3. Online screenings

3.1. All films included in the list of official selection will be offered the option of screening in online format on the territory of Ukraine and Bulgaria during the dates specified for this purpose. Online screenings will take place with the support and using the technical capabilities and resources of the Film Festival's partners VOD and OTT services MEGOGO (Ukraine) and Neterra.TV (Bulgaria). Also, films that will not be shown in the offline format may be selected for the online section of OKO VISION. Online screenings are an official part of the Film Festival program with the status of a festival screening.


3.2. Participants of the competition sections who give their consent to online screenings, additionally take part in the draw for the audience Grand Prix - OKO ONLINE.


3.3. With the consent of the authors and rights holders of the films, the Film Festival can facilitate the further online distribution of the films included in the official selection.


3.4. Online screenings will be protected from copying, duplication and other illegal distribution of content. Obligations of this kind are assumed by the partner of the festival, on whose technical facilities the screening will be held.

4. Submission, selection and review terms

4.1 The general term for accepting films through the FilmFreeWay platform runs from January 20, 2024 to July 1, 2024.

* until March 20, the submission of the films is free for all sections and programs;

* from March 21 to July 1, the Festival can set a festival fee for accepting the films, taking into account the "Regular" and "Last Call" extra deadline.


4.1.1. The program department of the Film Festival reviews the submitted applications until July 20 and informs the applicants through the status on the FilmFreeWay platform (or by alternative means) about the results of the review by this date.


4.1.2. Applicants must submit all materials*, film copies and subtitles (or dialogue/editing sheets) to the Film Festival by August 20. In case of failure to provide the necessary materials and a film copy, the film will be deprived of the status of an official participant of the Film Festival and will be excluded from the competitive or non-competitive program.


* List of the materials (not exhaustive): written consent to participate; filled out festival questionnaire; vertical poster (if available) or poster-equivalent image in hi-res JPEG format; 4 frames from the film in digital form of polygraphic quality in hi-res JPEG format; photo of the director in digital print quality in hi-res JPEG format. Other promotional materials - upon separate request.


4.1.3. By August 22, the finalized list of competitive works will be announced on the official web resources of the Film Festival.

4.2. In some cases, the Organizer may offer other terms and alternative methods of submission/acceptance, receipt of materials, film copies, etc. with the mutual consent of all interested parties, which is agreed in each case individually.

4.3. Films from the official selection of OKO VISION and information about special events are announced before the start of the Festival. Also, at any time after the announcement of the line-up, the Film Festival may announce the inclusion of additional films in the official selection list. The OKO VISION program and special events and activities may not be identical during the Film Festival in Ukraine and Bulgaria.

4.4. The person submitting the film for consideration (selection) is responsible for the film's compliance with copyright/related rights and assumes the authority to conduct further negotiations with the Film Festival.

5. Prizes, jury, procedure for determining and awarding

5.1. Prizes of the main festival jury

5.1.1. The films of the competition sections and programs are evaluated by the main professional jury. The selection of jury members is carried out independently by the Film Festival, taking into account the competence and professionalism of the candidates, as well as the non-involvement and absence of conflicts of interest between the members of the jury and the authors, rights holders and creative teams of the competing films. The composition, number and names of the jury members are announced by the Film Festival separately before the start of the event. As a general rule, evaluation of audiovisual works participating in the Film Festival is carried out by two jury panels - International and Ukrainian-Bulgarian.


5.1.2. The main professional jury determines the main winner (only one winning film is possible in each section) in the following competition sections:

- OKO GLOBAL – International Competition: Feature Films.

The winner receives a jury festival diploma, a film festival prize (statue or etc.) and a cash prize of 1,000 euros (EUR).

- OKO GLOBAL – International Competition: Short Films.

The winner receives a jury festival diploma, a film festival prize (statue or etc.) and a cash prize of 600 euros (EUR).


- "NASHE OKO" –  Ukrainian-Bulgarian Competition: Short Films.

The winner receives a jury festival diploma, a film festival award (statue or etc.) and a cash prize of 600 euros (EUR).

5.1.3. The winner in each competition section is a film; The official award is received by the director or directors of the winning film, who are also awarded the status of the winner of the competition.


5.1.4. In addition, the jury can honor participating films, a member or members of their creative groups with no more than two Special diplomas (aka Special Mention) in each competition section. There is no monetary reward in this case.

5.1.5. The winners, determined by the main jury, are announced at the closing ceremony of the Festival in Ukraine and Bulgaria. The winners of the "NASHE OKO" section will be announced during the events in Ukraine, and the OKO GLOBAL winners will be announced during the events in Bulgaria.

5.2. Audience Prizes (awards)

5.2.1. According to the results of polls during the offline screenings in Ukraine and Bulgaria, the winner will be determined among all the competitive films of all sections, who will receive the Audience Grand Prix. According to the audience, the audiovisual work (film) is recognized as the winner, the director or directors of the film become the recipient of the award. The result of the audience vote will be announced at the closing ceremony of the festival in Bulgaria, where the winner will receive a diploma, a film festival award (statue or etc.) and a cash prize of 300 euros (EUR).

5.2.2. The winner based on the results of audience polls during online screenings in Ukraine and Bulgaria is determined in accordance with Section 3 of these Regulations. According to the audience, the audiovisual work (film) is recognized as the winner, the director or directors of the film become the recipient of the award. The announcement of the result of the audience voting will take place after the end of all online events on the official resources of the Film Festival, the winner will receive a diploma, a film festival award (statue or etc.) and a monetary reward of 300 euros (EUR).

5.3. The film festival may, at its discretion, award one Special Prize from the festival team and up to two film festival honors (Special mention) to any film from the official selection. Selected participants receive festival diplomas with the rank of official festival prizes and mentions.

5.4. During the Film Festival, the laureate of the special honorary "Achievement Prize" is determined. Ukrainian and/or international filmmakers, ethnographers, prominent figures, etc. can receive it. The organizer, at its own discretion, determines the recipient in this category (nomination), who receives an honorary diploma and a film festival award (statue). There is no monetary reward from the Film Festival.

5.5. The organizer may, upon agreement, involve parallel independent collateral juries that determine their prizes and awards independently. In this case, the Film Festival is not responsible for the decisions and actions of such persons, in particular for the equivalents of prizes and rewards, etc., and only provides a platform for showing films. The prizes of the involved independent parallel juries are equated to the festival award, in accordance with the generally accepted practice of holding similar events, namely international film festivals.

5.6. The partners of the Film Festival, in agreement with the Organizer, can independently honor the films, the director/s or a member/s of their creative groups with special prizes, awards, etc. within the event with the official recognition of such an award and the use of the name of the Film Festival. It is also allowed to add monetary or other rewards from festival partners to an already existing festival award. In this case, the Film Festival is not responsible for the fulfillment of such an obligation by third parties.

5.7. Also, the Film Festival can present all the authors of films from the official selection with diplomas-certificates of participation and commemorative signs, which will not be considered as an official festival award and will not have festival status in the sense of the generally accepted practice of international film festivals.

5.8. If the recipients of official awards are unable to receive them physically under any circumstances, the Film Festival has to send physical prizes - statuettes, diplomas, etc. - by post. Prizes cannot be exchanged for a cash equivalent.

6. Agreement with the terms

6.1. Submission of a film and its participation in the Festival means unconditional acceptance of the terms of these Regulations and conversance with it. The official interpretation of the Regulations is the exclusive competence of the Film Festival.

6.2. An online application for participation in the Film Festival is valid without a signature and stamp. Official and electronic correspondence between the parties (and representatives of the parties) are equated to the agreements. It shall be confidential. It shall not be made public unless the parties agree to do so or as required by applicable law.


6.3. The person who submitted the application and handed over the relevant materials to the Organizer on the basis of these Regulations is independently responsible for the receipt of any claims, lawsuits, demands of another kind against such a person and/or the Organizer in connection with the use of such materials within the Film Festival, and will also immediately compensate the Organizer for all expenses that have arisen or may arise in this regard.

7. Final provisions

7.1. By agreeing to participate in the Film Festival and other official events of the Organizer, etc., the parties accept that any disputed situations will be resolved exclusively in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine and Bulgaria. If there are any disputed issues under these Regulations, they are resolved through honest and constructive negotiations between the parties. On all issues not regulated by these Regulations, the Organizer and other interested parties and people make separate decisions and consider them in accordance with the customs of business turnover, namely with the traditional rules of holding international festivals, taking into account the national legislation of Ukraine, as well as Bulgaria (for events on the territory of Bulgaria).

7.2. These Regulations do not contain a public promise of remuneration in the sense of the civil legislation of Ukraine. Payment of the sum of money is carried out on contractual basis, taking into account the restrictions established by the legislation of Ukraine. Prize money can be paid in the national currency of Ukraine - hryvnia UAH at the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Ukraine effective at the time of such payment, or in another currency, if payment in hryvnia is impossible or limited by the legislation of the winning participant's country. If the participant is recognized as the winner of the contest with a cash prize, the recipient undertakes to complete all the necessary and proper formalities for payment to him independently.


7.3. The provisions of these Regulations may be supplemented and/or changed with subsequent publication on the official resources of the Film Festival.

7.4. Official resources of the Film Festival:





E-mail of the Festival:

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