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"From idea to concrete steps: a script in a documentary film"

Tatiana Nizhynska, screenwriter

"Festival distribution: the way to international film festivals"

Olena Rubashevska, Program Director of the OKO Film Festival

"How to write a project to apply for pitching. Step-by-step instructions »

Executive producer of the OKO film festival Veronika Kryzhna

"Ethnographic cinema: why is it important?"

Folklorist and director, director of the OKO film festival Tetyana Staneva

"Fakelor in Art: Fashion Trend or Gentle Denationalization"

Folklorist, Doctor of Philology, member of the jury "OKO" Ivanovska Elena Petrovna

"It was that it was not": the universe of folk tales as a model story model

Lesya Naumovska, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Folklore, IF, Taras Shevchenko National University

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