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Winners and Recognitions of the 5th International Ethnographic Film Festival "OKO"

The 5th International Ethnographic Film Festival "OKO" concluded with a grand closing ceremony on November 15. The second part of the festival took place in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. A total of 88 films competed for awards in four competitive sections, evaluated by a professional jury. Additionally, viewers and the festival team selected their own favorites.

After an eventful week of the film festival, guests, friends, and admirers of ethnographic cinema and the "OKO" festival gathered at the "G8" Cultural Center to learn the names of the winners and celebrate the conclusion of the anniversary edition. 

The first to speak with a heartfelt address was Tetiana Stanieva, the director of the International Ethnographic Film Festival (IEFF) "OKO." She expressed her gratitude to all the viewers who supported the festival, gained inspiration, acquired new knowledge, learned to empathize, understood the situation in Ukraine, and felt the heartbeat of our planet.

"I'll be honest: by the end of the festival, we felt a bit lighter because we shared this pain with you, and it no longer feels as overwhelming. Thank you for coming to watch the films about war—I know how traumatic, frightening, and uncomfortable it can be. During some screenings, people left the hall because they couldn’t bear so much pain. For example, there were many violent scenes in the film Madmen, but it’s the truth—it’s how Ukraine lives now and how it lived in the past. I want you to know that your presence inspires us, gives us hope, and reassures us that we are not alone," said Tetiana.

Winners and Awards

Following Tetiana's speech, the jury members who evaluated the films in the OKO GLOBAL – International Feature-Length Competition took the floor. 

Olena Ivanovska (Ukrainian folklorist and Doctor of Philology) and Volodymyr Filipov (Ukrainian producer and artist) announced the following decisions: 

The main award (JURY GRAND PRIZE) in the OKO GLOBAL section was awarded to the film BozheVilni/Diagnosis: Dissent, directed by Denys Tarasov, 2023 (Ukraine). The film's director receives a cash prize of 1,000 EUR, the festival trophy, and a diploma. 

The Special Jury Prize (SPECIAL JURY PRIZE) for Best Feature-Length Non-Fiction Film was awarded to KIX, directed by Bálint Révész and Dávid Mikulán, 2024 (Hungary, France, Croatia). The directors are honored with a festival trophy and a diploma. 

Special Jury Prize (SPECIAL JURY PRIZE) for the best feature film —

Seven Blessings / Sheva Brachot / Сім благословень, dir. Ayelet Menachemi, 2023, (Israel) The director is awarded the festival trophy and diploma..

Special Jury Prize (SPECIAL JURY PRIZE) for the film with the best ethnographic representation — My Place Ozerna / Moja Ozerna / Моя Озерна, dir. Karina Bedkowska, 2022, (Poland) The director is awarded the festival trophy and diploma.

The jury awarded Special Mentions (JURY SPECIAL MENTION) to:

The film Archive of the Future / Archiv der Zukunft / Архів майбутнього, dir. Jörg Burger, 2023, Austria — for its visual approach and the creation of enchanting cinematic aesthetics, through which viewers can experience the grandeur and significance of scientific work related to archiving knowledge for future generations. The director is awarded the festival trophy and diploma.

The cinematographic concept and art direction of the film Diagnosis: Dissent / БожеВільні, dir. Denys Tarasov, 2023, Ukraine — for the visual style and creation of an authentic atmosphere that immerses viewers in the era of totalitarianism, enhancing the historical theme of the film. The cinematographer Yevheniy Kirey and the production designer Ivan Tyshchenko are awarded the festival trophy and diploma.

The films in two other competition sections — NASHE OKO — National Feature Film Competition and NASHE OKO — National Short Film Competition — were evaluated by Alek Aleksiev (Bulgarian actor and producer), Galin Georgiev (Bulgarian ethnologist and author of scientific works), and Taras Tomenko (Ukrainian director).

The Main Award (JURY GRAND PRIZE) in the NASHE OKO — National Feature Film Competition section goes to the film Kilometre / Кілометр, dir. Hanna Tykha, 2024, (Ukraine). The director receives a prize of 600 EUR, the festival trophy, and a diploma.

Special Jury Prize (SPECIAL JURY PRIZE) for the film with the best ethnographic representation — Axe / Bartka / Бартка, dir. Volodymyr Bakum, 2023, (Ukraine). The director is awarded the festival trophy and diploma.

The jury awarded a Special Mention (JURY SPECIAL MENTION) for the director's delicate approach to the theme to the film War Tails / Хвостики під час війни, dir. Olga Byrledianu, 2024, (Canada, Ukraine). The director is awarded the festival trophy and diploma.

The Main Award (JURY GRAND PRIZE) in the NASHE OKO — National Short Film Competition section goes to the film The Soldier / Солдатик, dir. Danil Dedkov, 2023, (Ukraine). The director of the film receives a prize of 600 EUR, the festival trophy, and a diploma.

Special Jury Prize (SPECIAL JURY PRIZE) for the best short fiction film — And that's for this Christmas / Якось так про це Різдво / И това е за тази Коледа, dir. Petir Vilchev, 2024, (Bulgaria). The director is awarded the festival trophy and diploma.

Special Jury Prize (SPECIAL JURY PRIZE) for the best short non-fiction film — Blackthorn Blossom / Цвіте терен, dir. Olha Stuh, 2023, (France, Ukraine). The director is awarded the festival trophy and diploma. 

Special Jury Prize (SPECIAL JURY PRIZE) for the best short animated film — Heart Hug / Обіруч, dir. Rimma Gefen, Nika Zhukova, 2023, (Israel). The directors are awarded the festival trophy and diploma.

Special Jury Prize (SPECIAL JURY PRIZE) for the film with the best ethnographic representation — Hut / Хатка, dir. Kateryna Tiuri, 2024, (Ukraine). The director is awarded the festival trophy and diploma. 

The jury awarded a Special Mention (JURY SPECIAL MENTION) "for conveying the horrors of a dark era with striking cinematic artistry" to the visual approach of the film La Terreur, dir. Mikhal Talkovsky, 2024, (Ukraine). The director, as well as the cinematographer Roman Nazarenko, are awarded the festival trophy and diploma.

Throughout the week, audience voting took place among the films in all four competition programs.

Based on the results, the Audience Grand Prix of the Bulgarian edition for the favorite film went to My Place Ozerna / Moja Ozerna / Моя Озерна, dir. Karina Bedkowska, 2022, (Poland). The director receives a cash prize of 150 EUR, the festival trophy, and a diploma.

This year, "OKO" decided to recognize some films and award their creators with special prizes (FESTIVAL TEAM SPECIAL PRIZES) on behalf of the festival team.:

The Festival Team Special Prize for a feature-length film went to "Rap and Deer," dir. Peteri Saario, 2023, (Finland)

The Festival Team Special Prize for a short film went to "Saturn," dir. André Giomar, Luís Costa, 2022, (Portugal)

The Festival Team Special Prize for creative ethnographic representation went to "Seven Blessings," dir. Ayelet Menachemi, 2023, (Israel)

The Festival Team Special Prize for cinematic innovation and craft went to the short documentary film "About Happy Hippos and Sad Peacocks," dir. Elkin Calderón Guevara, Johannes Förster, 2024, (Germany, Colombia)

We remind you that in the city of Bolhrad, Ukraine, from September 8 to 15, the jury evaluated the OKO GLOBAL International Short Film Competition.

The Grand Prix (JURY GRAND PRIZE) went to the film Mariupol. A Hundred Nights / Маріуполь. Сто ночей, dir. Sofia Melnyk, 2023, (Ukraine, Germany)

Special Jury Prize (SPECIAL JURY PRIZE) for the best short non-fiction film — Sisters of Wind / Hermanas del Viento / Сестри вітру, dir. Julia Carrillo Solanas, 2024, (Argentina)

Special Jury Prize (SPECIAL JURY PRIZE) for the best short animated film — Our Uniform / Наша уніформа, dir. Yeganeh Moghaddam, 2023, (IRI)

Special Jury Prize (SPECIAL JURY PRIZE) for the best short fiction film — Aqueronte / Ахерон, dir. Manuel Muñoz Rivas, 2023, (Spain)

Special Jury Prize (SPECIAL JURY PRIZE) for the film with the best ethnographic representation — Further and Further Away / Chhngai dach alai / Все далі й далі, dir. Pauline Lee, 2022, (Cambodia)

The Audience Favorite Prize of the Ukrainian edition went to the film A Poem for Little People / Поема для маленьких людей, dir. Ivan Sautkin, 2023, (Ukraine, Lithuania)

The Audience Prize of the city of Bolhrad for the favorite film in the "NASHE OKO" competition sections went to the animated short film

Ballad of Ferris the Self-appointed Knight and Smokie the Fire Breathing Dragon / Балада про самозваного лицаря Желязка та вогнедишного дракона Димча / Балада за самозвания рицар Желязко и огнедишащия дракон Димчо, dir. Penko Gelev, 2024, (Bulgaria) 

This year, the film festival established for the first time special honorary awards for career achievements and contributions to the development of cinema and ethnography — OKO ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS.

The award for Contribution to the Development of Cinema went to Ukrainian film director and screenwriter Taras Tomenko. Additionally, a retrospective of his films was held as part of the film festival.

The award for Contribution to the Development of Ethnography and Culture went to Professor Olena Ivanovska, Head of the Department of Folklore Studies at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Doctor of Philological Sciences.

Comments from the Jury Members

Olena Ivanovska, jury member in the OKO GLOBAL — International Feature Film Competition section:

"Dear brothers and sisters, this is my second time at this festival in Sofia. I see familiar faces and feel your support. I feel how Bulgaria, at least through your hearts and your presence, is actively taking a spiritual part in Ukraine's fate today.

I want to thank the 'OKO' team for continuing their work despite everything, for building bridges between people, between countries, and between hearts.

Punitive psychiatry is a part of our history, but it could also be our future. That is why we must all remain vigilant and think every day, educate our people to be free! In Ukrainian, the word 'божевільні' has two roots: 'бог' (god) and 'вільні' (free). People who are free from dictatorship, free from restrictions, are considered insane in a totalitarian state. I wish everyone to be БожеВільні (GodFree)! To Bulgaria, to Ukraine, to freedom, and to victory over dictatorship!"

Volodymyr Filipov, jury member in the OKO GLOBAL — International Feature Film Competition section:

"I want to say a few more words about the film 'Bozhevilni,' which received two awards – the main prize and a special mention. The main prize is awarded to the entire team, but I would like to emphasize that, in my opinion, the cinematographer and the production designer made this film so compelling that we believe everything happening on the screen."

Alek Aleksiev, jury member in the NASHE OKO — National Feature Film Competition and NASHE OKO — National Short Film Competition sections:

"We watched many documentary films that are hard to watch. However, we only watch them; we do not live in them, but this is the reality for the people of Ukraine. Our mission with you is very simple: we must be retransmitters of all these films so that they reach those few, those orcs and degenerates who continue to be blind, to ignore, to deny, to refuse to see and acknowledge this reality. And this is very simple; there are no two truths here: to hell with these two truths.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of propaganda, and it is much stronger.

We are gathered here today to support the 'OKO' festival, to tell Tetiana and her wonderful team that what they are doing makes sense, and that even if we open the eyes of five people a year through the festival, we achieve some small goal. These are small steps. Let's take small steps together. It's not necessary for a handful of people to give a lot; it's important for many people to help a little."

Galin Georgiev, jury member in the NASHE OKO — National Feature Film Competition and NASHE OKO — National Short Film Competition sections:

"This event is very important not only as a bridge between Ukraine and Bulgaria but also because it is organized by exceptional people from Bessarabia, people who were born in Ukraine, particularly from the village of Chushmelii. The people from there are incredibly hardworking, they never give up, they turned the steppe into a garden, and preserved their souls as they were shaped by the land of their ancestors. These are people who have learned to deal with any political circumstances and remain faithful to their language and culture.

'OKO' synthesizes many things and languages, cultures, and views on others. It is a way to get acquainted with many other communities and groups through the 'eye' of art."

Acknowledgments to Sponsors and Partners

The OKO International Ethnographic Film Festival team expresses its gratitude to the co-organizers — the Municipality of Sofia and the Bulgarian National Film Center.

Additional support and assistance were provided by the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Bulgaria, Neterra TV PLUS, Netpeak Bulgaria marketing agency, the Manol Peykov and Friends Foundation, Idea Comm, Release BG, the Center of Bessarabian Bulgarians in Bulgaria, the ferry complex "Orlivka-Isaccea," the Bessarabian Front, TM "Bolgrad," and the Bessarabian Bulgarian from the village of Krynychne, patron Viktor Kurtev.



© 2020-2025 Ethnographic Film Festival "ОКО"

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